Lasere cu Diodă în Mod Unic - iBeam smart PT – Laser Diodă de Înaltă Performanță cu Pigtail
The iBeam smart PT with permanent fiber attachment is - like its successful “brother” iBeam smart - the ultimate choice when looking for a high-performance, ultra-reliable OEM diode laser system. The fiber coupled diode laser comes with TOPTICA’s ingenious COOLDC technology to provide a constant optical output level even under strongly varying ambient conditions and ensures true drop-shipment capabilities. This technology completely eliminates the need for manual realignment. Its flexible, µ-processor based electronics will make system integration of the iBeam smart PT a snap. Features as FINE, SKILL and AUTOPULSE are capable to solve common problems of your application like Confocal microscopy, Flow cytometry, Disc mastering, Inspection, Metrology, Microlithography, Microplate readout, Prepress, computer-to-plate, Retina scanning or Food sorting.